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School Nutrition Transportation

Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
SY 25-26 Paraprofessional - Special Education SKTCS12/23/2024Classified-SchoolSUSIE KING TAYLOR CHARTERApply
SY 24-25 School Counselor12/20/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherSAVANNAH EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCApply
SY 24-25 Kindergarten Classroom Teacher12/20/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherBLOOMINGDALE ELEMENTARYApply
SY 24-25 ESOL Paraprofessional12/19/2024Classified-SchoolWINDSOR FOREST HIGHApply
SY 24-25 Assistant Principal (Elementary)12/19/2024Administration-SchoolACADEMIC SERVICESApply
SY 24-25 Teacher on Loan (Elementary)12/19/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherSOUTHWEST ESApply
SY 24-25 Custodian12/19/2024Classified-SchoolWOODVILLE-TOMPKINS LOWER CAMPUSApply
SY 24-25 Paraeducator12/18/2024Classified-SchoolBUILDING BRIDGES - HIGHApply
SY 24 -25 Social Studies Classroom Teacher12/17/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherCOASTAL MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
Elementary Classroom Teacher (Grades 1-3) SKTCS SY 2025 - 202612/16/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherSUSIE KING TAYLOR CHARTERApply
SY 24-25 NJROTC Naval Officer (Navy, Marine or Coast Guard)12/16/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherJENKINS HIGHApply
SY 24-25 Teacher Specialist Reading/English Language Arts (Elementary/K8)12/13/2024Certified-DistrictACADEMIC SERVICES-CONTENT MANAGERS/SPECIALISTSApply
SY 24-25 Elementary Classroom Teacher (Grades 1-3)12/12/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherHAVEN ELEMENTARYApply
SY 24-25 Custodial Worker12/11/2024Classified-SchoolLOW ELEMENTARYApply
SY 24-25 Head Custodian (LF)12/11/2024Classified-SchoolLOW ELEMENTARYApply
SY 24-25 Animal Care Technician12/11/2024Classified-SchoolOATLAND ISLANDApply
SY 24-25 Campus Police, Police Training Coordinator (Captain)12/10/2024Campus PoliceCAMPUS POLICEApply
SY 24-25 MSAP, STEM/STEAM Thematic Specialist/Comer Facilitator12/10/2024Certified-DistrictACADEMIC SERVICESApply
SY 24-25 Head Custodian12/05/2024Classified-SchoolTYBEE ISLAND MARITIME ACADEMYApply
SY 24-25 Paraprofessional - Special Education12/05/2024Classified-SchoolTYBEE ISLAND MARITIME ACADEMYApply
SY 24-25 Custodial Worker12/05/2024Classified-SchoolMERCER MIDDLEApply
SY 24-25 Head Custodian (LF)12/05/2024Classified-SchoolMERCER MIDDLEApply
SY 24-25 Custodial Worker12/05/2024Classified-SchoolGROVES HIGHApply
SY 24-25 Custodian12/05/2024Classified-SchoolGROVES HIGHApply
SY 24-25 Campus Police, Lead School Safety Officer11/22/2024Classified-DistrictCAMPUS POLICEApply
SY 24-25 Paraprofessional - Special Education11/22/2024Classified-SchoolBUILDING BRIDGES - HIGHApply
SY 24-25 Job Coach11/18/2024Classified-SchoolSCHOOL OF LIBERAL STUDIESApply
SY 24-25 Paraprofessional, Adaptive11/18/2024Classified-SchoolVARIOUS LOCATIONSApply
SY 24-25 Paraprofessional, PSI Classroom11/18/2024Classified-SchoolVARIOUS LOCATIONSApply
SY 24-25 Paraprofessional - Special Education11/18/2024Classified-SchoolTHE LEARNING ACADEMYApply
SY 24-25 School Nutrition Program Registered Dietician11/18/2024School NutritionSCHOOL FOOD AND NUTRITION PROGApply
SY 24-25 Secretary (Split Myers Middle & Low Elementary)11/15/2024Classified-SchoolMYERS MIDDLEApply
School Support Officer11/13/2024Administration-DistrictSUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICEApply
SY 24-25 Educational Interpreter10/30/2024Classified-SchoolEXCEPTIONAL CHILDRENApply
SY 24-25 Speech Pathology Assistant09/25/2024Classified-SchoolEXCEPTIONAL CHILDRENApply
SY 24-25 Paraprofessional09/24/2024Classified-SchoolVARIOUS LOCATIONSApply
SY 24-25 Paraprofessional - Special Education09/24/2024Classified-SchoolVARIOUS LOCATIONSApply
SY 24-25 School Nurse09/24/2024Classified-SchoolVARIOUS LOCATIONSApply
SY 24-25 Mathematics Classroom Teacher (.50)09/11/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherJENKINS HIGHApply
SY 24-25 Behavior Intervention Teacher (Grant Funded)07/29/2024Certified-School (Other)BUILDING BRIDGES - HIGHApply
SY 24-25 Teacher on Loan (Secondary)07/29/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherWINDSOR FOREST HIGHApply
SY 23-24 Naval Junior ROTC Instructor (Enlisted)07/09/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherJOHNSON HIGHApply
Secondary Mathematics Teacher06/18/2024Certified-Classroom TeacherWINDSOR FOREST HIGHApply
SY24-25 School Bus Driver Intern06/17/2024TransportationTRANSPORTATIONApply
SY24-25 Transportation, Fleet Mechanic Intermediate06/17/2024TransportationTRANSPORTATIONApply
SY24-25 Transportation, Fleet Mechanic06/17/2024TransportationTRANSPORTATIONApply
SY24-25 Custodial Worker06/10/2024Classified-SchoolNEW HAMPSTEAD HIGHApply
SY24-25 Maintenance Utility Worker06/10/2024Maintenance and OperationsMAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONSApply
SY24-25 Paraprofessional - Special Education06/07/2024Classified-SchoolRICE CREEK 3-8Apply
SY24-25 Transportation Master Technician ASE Certified05/31/2024TransportationTRANSPORTATIONApply